Saturday, February 11, 2012

Frustrated, Incorporated

Yeah, I'm back. Yeah, it's been a while. Yeah I keep promising you things then disappearing but whatevs. In defence, I've been through a lot of life changes lately. Those close to me know, another day, another post.

 So anywho, I'm back running after a hiatus, due to foot problems, knee problems, lazy problems, time problems, schedule changes... Hows that for excuses? I joined an Intermediate Run Clinic, with hopes to meet new running buddies, and 'Ive met some great people. We are about 5 or so weeks in and today's run was a trail run, 48 mins of actual run time, and lots of hills.

 And it Blew it!

 I didn't even get through the first interval without having to stop for a walk break because my calves and feet were screaming at me. Nothing new, I usually do the best I can, but on a hilly trail? Yeah, holy crap! I was so disappointed in myself because I love the few trail runs I have done and was looking foreward to this one. I seriously contemplated turning around but I decided to keep going. I'd like to say it got better but not so much. I ended up running (walking) with the sweeper (last runner), and bless her heart, she stuck with me. I know my body and its limitations and I know that when my legs are killing me, I tend to limp up hills due to extremely tight calves and the sweeper took this as a concern and decided we were turning back. I told her I was fine, I'd just walk it off but she proceeded to run ahead, yelling the name of the clinic leader to alert her we were turning back. To say I was embarrased is a huge understatement. We decided I would complete the run (walk) and stick with the group. We did some out and backs on the flat areas while the rest of the group turned around and on the way back down, my legs were fine. I know it has a lot to do with my lack of yoga for the last few weeks and the fact that I am carrying a few extra pounds but  I was seriously embarrassed today. Why? Cuz I'm a freaking run leader! Different clinic mind you, but I should be better than this. I really need to do some serious ass kicking of the personal variety or I will be a shrivelled ball of tight muscles, curled up on the couch with a cheesecake and a fork, and a massive Starbucks. Sounds like a good night to me...

Bonus points if you know the origin to the post title. Yeah I'm cool like that.

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